Friends of Wilderness - An Invitation

Will You Join Us? 

In an attempt to build upon and preserve our unique Native American Christian identity, we with humble pride wish to join in combination with our many friends of Wilderness to extend and strengthen mutual Christian ministries. 

We are hopeful that a concerted effort of our Wilderness Friends within the Synod and elsewhere can help sustain the involvement and contribution benefits given through cross-cultural acquaintance. The presence and continued involvement of Wilderness provides a positive multi-cultural force at our Synod level and beyond.  

Friends of Wilderness is not intended to make any specific relief of money issues that we are facing, however we hope that they may help us design a revised plan of our current operational budget predicament so that we can begin to look at realistic resolutions.  

As I'm sure you know, Wilderness is the only Native American Lutheran congregation in the East-Central Synod of Wisconsin, and the only Mohican Lutheran congregation in the whole ELCA. Not only that, but we strongly feel that our faith calls us to be social justice advocates and care for all that Creator has provided us- from the land and natural resources we need for survival to our relationships with others.  

You're receiving this invitation because we have felt a connection to you, and know that you share in Wilderness' mission to share God's love and to care for all creation. We feel that Lutheran Church of the Wilderness has something important to share with the world, but we need your help to do so.  

We are looking to you for partnership and support in our efforts by telling your friends, congregation, conference, synod, perhaps even the world about us. Will you help?  

You could...  

Lead a small group/Adult Education discussion. 

Invite a member or group from Wilderness to speak to your faith community. 

Join us in worship at Lutheran Church of the Wilderness. 

Partner with us in ministry for a special service or event. 

Please consider how you can support us and partner with us in our ministry. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Feel free to contact the Church at (715)793-4975 or e-mail us at or click here.  

"Let all the tribes gather together, and let the peoples assemble." - Isaiah 43:9