About the Congregation... 

The Lutheran Church of the Wilderness, located on the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Reservation near Bowler, WI, is predominately a Native American congregation.

Wanting to honor our heritage as both Native American and Lutheran, we try to have services that incorporate Native spirituality with a traditional Lutheran service. We sing the doxology in Mohican and English, and try to honor Creator through the fullness of our being. Smudging, blowing the conch, and spiritual use of tobacco are just some of the ways we honor our Native spirituality. We welcome you to join us, and hope you will feel comfortable asking us about any unfamiliar parts of our services. Our goal is to welcome our neighbor while honoring the Creator.


We are a member of the Shawano Conference, in the East-Central Synod of Wisconsin, in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

