Building usage Agreement

Lutheran Church of the Wilderness

____________________________________ has applied for permission to use the Fellowship Hall and at the Lutheran Church of the Wilderness, Bowler, WI on the date(s) ___________________________ during the hours of  ______________to _______________ for the cost of $100 per day with a one time $50.00 security deposit per day. 

Please write two checks; one for the cost of using the church and the other for $50 security deposit.  If the church is cleaned and left in good condition this check will be destroyed.

This fee covers use of the following areas: Fellowship Hall, kitchen, and upstairs restrooms.  These areas must be thoroughly cleaned and left in the condition they were found.  This includes sweeping and mopping.  Note the basement is not to be utilized unless permission has been granted, in writing prior to use.

The Security deposit will be returned if the Church Council Trustee deems the areas used are in the condition they were found.

Users are to provide their own paper products.  Garbage is to be removed and placed in the containers located outside the parsonage garage.

The use of the Fellowship Hall will be for _______________________________________(reason).

Approximately how many people are expected to attend this function?  _____________

Person signing must be 21 years or older and must be available at all times during activity to supervise participants and attendees.  All children must be supervised.

The building is to opened at _________ closed at _________.

Properly filled out forms and full use fee payment (included security deposit) must be received by the Church no less than seven (7) business days prior to date of use.



1.       We reserve the right to refuse any and all building rental requests.

2.       The request of church facilities shall not interfere or conflict with worship or ministry events.

3.       The possession or use of alcohol or narcotics shall not be permitted on the property.  Smoking is allowed outside the building.  Cigarette butts must be place in the container provided.

4.       Shirts and shoes are required.

5.       Fellowship Hall users must provide at least one adult activity supervisor who will be on the premises during the entire period.  This designated supervisor shall be responsible to see that all building rules, regulations and laws are adhered to by participants and those attending; any violations will be reported to the Church Council Trustee.  The adult activity supervisor will be available to resolve any issues that arise during the event or may be reported by a representative.  If the Church Council Trustee is called in, or repairs are deemed necessary after the event, additional charges may be levied (parts and/or labor).   Extra charges will be due 10 days upon invoicing.

6.       The Church is not responsible for crowd control or any criminal activity that takes place during use.

7.       Whenever the rules and regulations have been violated, the Church Council Trustee, with the approval of the Council may revoke the permit to use the facilities and refuse to consider future Building Usage Agreement.

8.       All Building Use Agreements are for specific facilities and hours.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to see that unauthorized portions of the properties (basement/sanctuary) are not used and the premises are vacated as scheduled.

9.       The Church assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage.

10.    All functions shall close by 10:00 p.m., unless special permission is secured in advance from the Church Council.

11.   The group or individual understands that there can be no alterations or changes of any equipment.

12.   Any decorations or decorative alterations must be removed.

13.   The rules and regulations for the use of the church facilities and the application use permit have been read and are understood.


Signature____________________________________________(Must be 21 years or older)

Date _______________

Print Name/ Organization____________________________

Phone Number_______________________________

Church Council Trustee __________________________________

Date _______________



I, the undersigned, on behalf of myself and my organization/group, undertake and agree to indemnify, hold harmless against any and all suits and causes of action, claims, charges, costs, damages, demands, expenses (including, but not limited to, Attorney’s fees and/or cost of litigation), judgments, civil fines and penalties, liabilities or losses of any kind or nature whatsoever, for death, bodily injury or personal injury to any of my groups persons, or damage or destruction to any property of either party to this agreement, or third persons in any manner arising by reason of or incident to utilization of the facility or property (whether real or personal) on the part of the employees, agents, affiliates, representatives, patrons, residents and individuals in any way connected with the use of the facilities and property except for the sole negligence of the Church or its Council, representatives or employees.


I, for and on behalf of my organization/group, have carefully read and understand the contents of this document.



Print name____________________________________________________




Updated September 2017